
Showing posts from July, 2011

Silly Forms of Inspiration: McDonald's Mocha Frappe

Today, while out driving with my wonderful husband on our anniversary, I came to an interesting conclusion regarding why I would like to earn more money from my freelance writing. My inspiration doesn't come in the form of a yacht, a new car or even a dream vacation. My strange, non-essential inspiration is a McDonald's Mocha Frappe. Those sweet, iced-coffee drinks seem to call my name each and every time I drive past a Mickey D's. I long to hold one in my hand and taste the ice cold, caffeine filled goodness. Don't get me wrong, having more money to buy things for my children and family is definitely my number one motivator. I want to give my children more than I had. I want to be able to constantly fill all of their needs and at least part of their wants. My children deserve all that I can manage to give them and more, which is exactly why their mommy blogs and writes...and often doesn't go to sleep until 3 in the morning. Bu,t having silly little frivolous wa